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Baza Pytań
Digital SAT

Kompleksowe narzędzie do nauki SAT
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Co zawiera Baza Pytań?

Nasza baza pytań zawiera ponad 600 zadań do egzaminu SAT.

Wszystkie moduły sekcji Reading & Writing

Szczegółowe wytłumaczenie każdej odpowiedzi

Poziomy trudności, ćwiczenia oraz testy z limitem czasowym

Przyszłość nauczania

Kompleksowa Baza Pytań

Sekcje Reading & Writing
Course player
Video features

Sczegółowe sekcje Reading & Writing

Poziomy trudności

Wytłumaczenia odpowiedzi


Questions, titles, pointers, overlay images, links and a lot more interactions to our videos! We make them more vivid and engaging.
Powerful studying

Beautiful course player

Lots of learning activities

We offer you a banch of learning activities. Video, ebooks, quizzes, certificates, exams and a lot more. An awesome interactive learning experience!

Flexible pathways

You can navigate freely or sequentially. Courses can also be delivered with drip feed.

Reading with note taking

Multiple ways of adding notes and highlights. We help you improve your scanning and reading strategies.
Lots of questionnaires

A sophisticated testing engine

Assignments for every need

Improve your confidence with self-improvement quizzes, formal tests, file assignments, and certificates to prove newly acquired skills.

Question banks

We have huge pools of questions connected to multiple courses and tests. All you need for secure, randomized tests for continuing education (CE) and certification programs.

Branded digital certificates

Take awards of our own digital certificates! Showcase their competencies at the end of your learning adventure.
I'm glad I can still learn through this online platform. It offers both video and audio options. It's nice being able to see the explanation in video format.
— Laxmi
School is going well and I am learning a lot. We have regular teachers who teach us well. I like the e-learning program because there are questions and detailed explanations.
— Farhana
Without going to school, I would have no job in the future. If I didn't go to school, I'd have to work on my parents' farm. In the future, I hope to become a teacher. 
— Advik

Baza pytań stworzona przez

Jakub Andrzejczak

Założyciel & Instruktor
Created with